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IBindingList interface  2nd 
    used by DataTable class 
IButtonControl interface 
ICO files 
ICommandExecutor interface 
IComNativeDescriptorHandler interface 
IComponent interface 
IComponentChangeService interface 
IComponentEditorPageSite interface 
Icon class 
IconConverter class 
IContainer interface 
IContainerControl interface 
ICustomTypeDescriptor interface 
IDataErrorInfo interface 
IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService interface 
IDataGridEditingService interface 
IDataObject interface 
IDE  [See Visual Studio.NET]
IDesignerEventService interface 
IDesignerHost interface 
IDesignerOptionService interface 
IDictionaryService interface 
IDisposable interface  2nd 
Idle event, Application class 
IEditableObject interface 
IEventBindingService interface 
IExtenderListService interface 
IExtenderProvider interface  2nd 
IExtenderProviderService interface 
IFeatureSupport interface 
IFileReaderService interface 
IHelpService interface 
IInheritanceService interface 
IL (Intermediate Language) 
IListSource interface 
Image class  2nd 
Image property 
Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort delegate 
ImageAnimator class 
ImageAttributes class  2nd 
ImageCodecFlags enumeration 
ImageCodecInfo class 
ImageCollection class, ImageList class 
ImageConverter class 
ImageFlags enumeration 
ImageFormat class 
ImageFormatConverter class 
ImageIndex property, ToolBarButton class 
ImageIndexConverter class 
ImageList class  2nd 
ImageList property, ToolBar class 
ImageList.ImageCollection class 
ImageListStreamer class 
ImageLockMode enumeration 
    color transformations of 
    file formats for  2nd 
    grayed out 
    in Control class 
    metafiles  2nd 
ImeMode enumeration 
IMenuCommandService interface 
IMenuEditorService interface 
IMessageFilter interface 
ImmutableObjectAttribute class 
Index property, MenuItem class 
inheritance  2nd  [See also reuse]3rd 
    appearance changes and 
    composite controls  2nd 
    controls in base class, accessing 
    design issues with 
    event handling and  2nd  3rd 
    extending programming interface 
    forms  2nd 
    Lyskov Substitution Principle and 
    multithreaded programming and 
    non-composite controls 
    potential problems with 
    protection levels and 
    virtual methods and 
    when to use 
InheritanceAttribute class 
InheritanceLevel enumeration 
InitializeComponent method, Form class  2nd 
input handling
    Control class 
    custom controls 
input validation  2nd 
InputLanguage class 
InputLanguageChangedEventArgs class 
InputLanguageChangedEventHandler delegate 
InputLanguageChangingEventArgs class 
InputLanguageChangingEventHandler delegate 
InputLanguageCollection class 
InstalledFontCollection class 
InstallerTypeAttribute class 
instance fields 
instance members, syntax for 
instance methods 
Int16Converter class 
Int32Converter class 
Int64Converter class 
interfaces  2nd  3rd  [See also specific interface names]
Intermediate Language  [See IL]
internal protection level 
InterpolationMode enumeration 
InterpolationMode property, Graphics class 
intrinsic type system  [See type system]
intrinsic types  2nd 
InvalidActiveXStateException class, AxHost class 
Invalidate method, Control class  2nd  3rd 
InvalidateEventArgs class 
InvalidateEventHandler delegate 
InvalidEnumArgumentException class 
InvalidPrinterException class 
Invoke method, Control class  2nd 
InvokeRequired property, Control class  2nd 
IReferenceService interface 
IResourceService interface 
IRootDesigner interface 
IsAccessible property, Control class 
ISelectionService interface  2nd 
ISite interface 
IsOutlineVisible method, GraphicsPath class 
IsParent property, Menu class 
ISupportInitialize interface 
IsVisible method, GraphicsPath class 
IsVisible method, Region class 
ISynchronizeInvoke interface 
ItemActivation enumeration 
ItemBoundsPortion enumeration 
ItemChangedEventArgs class 
ItemChangedEventHandler delegate 
ItemCheckEventArgs class 
ItemCheckEventHandler delegate 
ItemDragEventArgs class 
ItemDragEventHandler delegate 
ITypeDescriptorFilterService interface 
ITypedList interface 
ITypeResolutionService interface 
IUIService interface 
IWin32Window interface 
IWindowsFormsEditorService interface 
IWindowTarget interface 

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