

how to use variables in c#

// All types of variables
int MyNumber = 2; // A number
float MyDotNumber = 2.2; // A Number with decimals
string MyText = ("Hello World") //Text
bool YesOrNo = true; //True or False

// Formats

(Type) (Name) = (Value);
int NameOfVariable = (Value depending on type)

make variables in c#

/*interger variable*/ int myInterger = 1; //rounded numbers
/*float variable*/ float myFloat = 1.0; //numbers with Decimals
/*string variable*/ string myString = "Hello, World"; //string of Text
/*bool variable*/ bool myBool = true; //true or false

how to create a variable in C#

 int variable;

how to create a variab;e in c#

var varName = test123

c# variable

//    a ..... var be like
//     string (text) /
string name = "Joe";
//     int (number) /
int age = 12;
//     boolean (true or false) /
bool correct = false;
bool you_are_watching_this = true;
//     float (decimal number)
float d_num = 3.5f //must be a "f" if setting it anywhere else

/* There is ALOT of Variable types
out there but the important ones
are these */

how to use var in c#

/*var*/ var MyVar = 5;
/*static*/ public static int MyStatic;

how to use var in c#

/*const*/ public const int I = 1;
/*reandoly*/ reandoly string MyString(this is an example);

How to declare variables in C#

int age;

c# variable

//    a ..... var be like
//     string (text) /
string name = "Joe";
//     int (number) /
int age = 12;
//     boolean (true or false) /
bool correct = false;
bool you_are_watching_this = true;
//     float (decimal number)
float d_num = 3.5f //must be a "f" if setting it anywhere else

/* There is ALOT of Variable types
out there but the important ones
are these */

C# Variables

string characterName = "Tom";
            int characterAge = 23;
            Console.WriteLine("There was a guy named " + characterName);
            Console.WriteLine("He was " + characterAge + " years old");

how to make a c# variable

// In C# And Other Programming Languages, You First Start With A Variable Type.
// If You Want To STORE Whole Numbers, There Is A Keyword For That. Its Called: int
// Int Stands For Integer. Now If You Want A Number With Decimals, There's Also A Keyword For That.
// Its Called: float : Float Stands For Floating Point Number or Decimal Point Number.
// Now Another REALLY Important One Is: string : A String Variable Contains Strings Of Text.
// Okay, So Those Are The Most Important Variable Types. Don't Be OverWhelmed Since I Was Just Really Going In-Depth.
// Now Lets Create A Variable! First Up, Our Variable Type... int!
// Now The Name... hmmm... MyVariable!
int MyVariable
// And To Set It To A Number, A WHOLE Number We Have To Use An EQUAL Sign.
int MyVariable = 10
// And Then A Semi-Colon!
int MyVariable = 10;
// Boom! You Created A Variable! Again, Don't Be OverWhelmed! Since I Was Just Really Going In-Depth.

C# Variables

// Here are three types of variables on C#
int (Name Of Variable);
// The int is the classic variable holding numbers and letter.
float (Name Of Variable);
// A float holds number up to 9.99*10 to the 32 power
bool (Name Of Variable);
// A bool holds True or False (simple)

var c#

/*int*/int myNum = 5;
/*doube*/ double myDoubleNum = 5.99D;
/*char*/ char myLetter = 'D';
/*bool*/ bool myBool = true;
/*string*/ string myText = "Hello";
/*var*/ var myVar = "newewewewewewewewewe"

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