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Dictionary Engineering
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Back-up Roll
Back-up Roll
(english) 1) Roll used as a support roll mainly for plater rolls. 2) Two rolls, one on top and one on bottom of the two work rolls which apply pressure and reduce the flexing of the work rolls.

backed-up | Backer (back-up plate) | backfill | backfill(1) | Background | backhoe(1) | backing | Backing Board (Backing Plate) | backing brick | backing for arches | backing lamp | backing of a wall | Backing Sand | backing up | backing-up | Backlash | Backoff | backslope | BACKUP BOTTLE | Backward Extrusion | Backwardation | backwater | bacon cupboard | Bacteria | bad color | bad copy | badger | Baffle | baffle pier | baffle plate |

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