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accurate ความหมายคือ ac·cu·rate /ˈækjʊrət/ a. 准确的,精确的;正确无误的 an accurate estimate 准确的估计 an accurate thermometer 读数准确的温度计 an accurate typist 准确率高的打字员 The guidance system is accurate to within a matter of yards. 制导系统的准确性使误差保持在几码之内。You must be more accurate in your work. 你必须在工作中更加注意正确性。 [

accurately | accurateness | accursed | accursedly | accursedness | accurst | accus. | accusable | accusal | accusant | accusation | accusatival | accusative | accusative absolute | accusatively | accusatorial | accusatorially | accusatory | accuse | accused | accuser | accusing | accusingly | accustom | accustomation | accustomed | accustomedness | Accutron | AC/DC², a.c.-d.c., a-c/d-c | AC/DC¹ |