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achillea ความหมายคือ ach·il·lea /ˌækɪˈliːə,æˈkɪlɪə/ n. 〔植〕蓍草 [

Achillean | Achilles | Achilles' heel, Achilles heel | Achilles jerk | Achilles' spear | Achilles' tendon, Achilles tendon | Achilles tendon reflex | Achinese | achiness | aching | achingly | achiote | a chip in porridge (或 pottage, broth) | a chip of (或 off) the old block | a chip of (或 off) the old block | a chip on one's shoulder | achiral | Achitophel | achkan | achlamydeous | achlorhydria | achlorhydric | Acholi | achondrite | achondritic | achondroplasia | achondroplasic,achondroplastic | achordate | a chose in action | a chose in possession |