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acknowledg(e)ment ความหมายคือ ac·knowl·edg(e)·ment /əkˈnɒlɪdʒmənt/ n. 1. 承认;(对权威、要求、权利、功绩等的)确认 the acknowledg(e)ment of a mistake 认错 2. (对收到来信等的)确认通知;回音 We have had no acknowledg(e)ment of our letter yet. 我们还没接到确认去信已收到无误的回音。 3. 答谢的表示;(作者的)志谢,鸣谢 This is a slight acknowledg(e)ment of your kind help. 这是对你好心相助所表示的一点小小的意思。be given a present in acknowledg(e)ment of one's valuable work for the school 为表彰替学校所做的贡献而被赠与礼物 an author's grateful acknowledg(e)ments of assistance 作者对他人协助所表示的衷心感谢 4. 〔律〕(对债务等的)正式确认;公证(状)

acknowledger | acknowledge (或 admit, confess) the corn | ACL | a clean bill of health | a clean breach | a clean sweep | a clear breach | aclinic | aclinic line | a close call | A close mouth catches no flies. | a close thing | a cloud on the horizon | ACLS | ACLU | ACM | acme | Acmeism | Acmeist | acne | acned | acneigenic | acne rosacea | acnode | acock | acoelous | Acol | acold | a cold day in hell | a cold douche |

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