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acolyte ความหมายคือ ac·o·lyte /ˈækəʊlaɪt/ n. 1. 〔宗〕侍僧;(行弥撒等仪式时的)教士助手 2. 侍从;助手;追随者 3. 〔天〕卫星 [ < ML acolytus < Gk akolouthos attendant < akolouthein to follow]

A.Com. | Aconcagua | aconitase | aconite | aconitic | aconitine | aconitum | a considerable of | a cool hand | a cool hundred | acopic | acorn | acorn barnacle | acorn cup | acorn duck | acorn shell | acorn squash | acorn tube | acorn valve | acorn woodpecker | acorn worm | a corporal of the field | A corvet(te) would roll on wet grass. | acotyledon | acotyledonous | acouchi, acouchy | a cough and a split | acoumeter | a counsel of despair | a counsel of perfection |

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