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acquaint oneself with (或 that)
acquaint oneself with (或 that) ความหมายคือ acquaint oneself with (或 <罕> that) 知悉,了解 acquaint oneself thoroughly with every aspect of a question 使自己对一个问题的每一方面了如指掌 make oneself acquainted with one's new duties 熟悉自己新的职责

acquaint sb. with (或that) | acquest | acquiesce | acquiescence | acquiescent | acquiescently | acquiescingly | acquirability | acquirable | acquire | acquired | acquired character, acquired characteristic | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | acquired taste | acquiree | acquirement | acquirer | acquisition | acquisition accounting | acquisitional | acquisitive | acquisitively | acquisitiveness | acquisitor | acquit | acquittal | acquittance | acquitter | acr- | acrasia |

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