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act ความหมายคือ act /ækt/ I n. 1. 行为,行动 an act of folly 愚行 an act of generosity 慷慨行为 an act of war 战争行为 an act of sabotage 破坏行动 2. 行动过程 be caught in the act 被当场捉住(或发觉) She had a baby and died in the act. 她在生孩子过程中死去。in the very act of doing sth. 正做某事的过程中 3. 〔戏〕幕;(马戏、杂耍、电视歌舞演出中的)短节目;(搭档)演出短节目的演员;表演队,演出团体 Act One 第一幕 a play in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场剧 a dog's act 狗戏 Because of the intense glare of the media most acts stay at the top only three years. 由于传媒集中的宣传,多数短节目演员的鼎盛状态只能维持3年。 4. 法案;法令;敕命;条例;(法院的)判决 an act of Congress 国会法案 the Social Security Act 社会保障条例 5. 〈口〉假装的行为,装腔作势 Her vehement protest was all an act. 她激烈地抗议,其实全是做做样子。 6. [常作A-]〈旧〉正式记录 7. 〔哲〕现实,实在(经院哲学用语) 8. (天主教)短祷 9. 〈英〉(牛津和剑桥大学)学位论文答辩;提出作公开答辩的论文 II ❶ vt. 1. 举动像…;装出 Don't act the fool. 别傻了。(或:别装傻。) act outraged virtue 装出道貌岸然者咬牙切齿的样子 2. 扮演 act Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特 act the part of Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特的角色 act a self-sacrificing mother 扮演一个自我牺牲的母亲 3. 演(戏);把(事件、情感等)表演出来 4. 使举止与…相称 Act your age. 举手投足别忘了你的年纪。 5. 〈废〉激励 ❷ vi. 1. 做事;行动 Think before acting. 三思而后行。The police acted promptly. 警方立即行动。 2. 起作用,见效 The brake refused to act. 制动闸失灵了。The medicine failed to act. 药未能见效。 3. 举止,表现 act well under all conditions 在任何条件下都表现很好 You're acting mysterious. 你是在故作神秘。 4. 表演;(戏、角色等)能被(扮)演 He acts very well. 他很会演戏。His plays don't act well. 他的戏演出效果不好。 5. 假装,做戏 try to act interested 假装感兴趣 Don't believe him; he is only acting. 别信他的,他只不过是在做戏。 6. 扮演;担当 (as) act as an old man 扮演老人 act as manager 充当经理 a sidetable that acts as a bar 当长条酒台用的边桌 7. 作出决定 (on) [

act. | actability | actable | Actaeon | act against | act a lie | act and deed | act a part | act a part | Acta Sanctorum | act-drop | act for | act from (或 out of) | actg. | ACTH | actigraph | actin | actin- | actinal | actinally | acting | actini- | actinia | actinian | actinic | actinically | actinic ray | actinide | actinide series | actiniform |