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adamant ความหมายคือ ad·a·mant /ˈædəmənt/ I n. 〈古〉坚硬的物质;硬石(指金刚石、刚玉等) II a. 1. 坚硬的 2. 坚强的,坚定不移的;固执的 She was adamant; but he, too, showed no sign of yielding. 她固执,但他也没有让步的表示。be adamant about (doing) sth. 对(做)某事抱坚决态度 be adamant in refusing to accede to a demand 固执地拒不答应一项要求 be adamant against appeasing sb. 坚决不迁就某人 be adamant to entreaties (temptations) 不为哀求(引诱)所动 Philip was adamant that he would go. 菲利普坚持要去。 [

adamantane | adamantine | adamantly | Adamite | Adamitic,Adamitical | Adam, James | Adam, Robert | Adams, Abigail (Smith) | Adam's ale | Adam's apple | Adam's Bridge, Adams Bridge | Adams, Charles Francis | Adams, Franklin Pierce | Adams, Henry Brooks | adamsite | Adams, James Truslow | Adams, John | Adams, John Quincy | Adams, (Kiskadden) | Adams, Léonie (Fuller) | Adam's needle | Adams, Samuel | Adams, Samuel Hopkins | Adam's wine | Adam² | Adam¹ | Adana | adapt | adaptability, adaptableness | adaptable |