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additive ความหมายคือ ad·di·tive /ˈædɪtɪv/ I a. 1. 添加的;附加的 2. 〔数〕加法的,加性的 3. 〔化〕加成的 4. 累积的 The process is additive. 这个过程是累积的。 II n. 添加物;添加剂;加成剂 chemical additives to foods 各种食物的化学添加剂 Some food additives may contribute to cancer. 有些食物添加剂会导致癌症。[

additive identity | additive inverse | additively | additivity | addle | addlebrained | addled | addlehead | addleheaded | addlepated | addn. | addnl. | add oil to the fire (或 flame) | add-on | add one's name to the scoresheet | addra gazelle | address | addressable | addressee | addresser | address oneself to | addressor | addtional member system | adduce | adduceable | adducent | adducer | adducible | adduction | adductive |