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adhere ความหมายคือ ad·here /ədˈhɪə(r)/ ❶ vi. 1. 粘附,附着 (to) Mud adhered to his shoes. 他鞋上沾着泥。paper adhering to the wall 墙上贴着的纸 2. 坚持,遵守;固执 (to) That government adhered to its original plan in spite of the resistance. 该国政府不顾阻力坚持按原计划行事。 3. 追随,依附,拥护,支持 (to) adhere to a political party 拥护一个政党 ❷ vt. 使粘附 [

adherence | adherend | adherent | adherently | adherer | adhesion | adhesional | adhesive | adhesive binding | adhesively | adhesiveness | adhesive tape | adhibit | adhibition | ad hoc | ad hocery, ad hoccery, ad hockery | ad-hocracy | ad hominem | ADI | adiabat | adiabatic | adiabatically | adiabatic lapse rate | a dialogue of the deaf | a diamond in the rough | adiantum | adiaphorism | adiaphorous | adiathermancy | Adidas |