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Adirondack Mountains
Adirondack Mountains ความหมายคือ Ad·i·ron·dack Mountains /ˌædɪˈrɒndæk/ 阿迪朗达克山脉 [美国纽约州东北部]

a dirty night | a dirty old man | a dirty old man | a disciple of Momus | a disciple (或 daughter, son) of Momus | a dish of gossip | a dish of tea | a distress sale | adit | ADIZ | Adj. | adj. | adjacency | adjacent | adjacent angles | adjacently | adjectival | adjectivally | adjective | adjective dye | adjective law | adjectively | adjoin | adjoining | adjoint | adjourn | adjournal | adjournment | Adjt., adjt. | adjudge |

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