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adjure ความหมายคือ ad·jure /əˈdʒʊə(r)/ vt. 1. 恳求,祈求 His friends adjured him to take more care of his health. 朋友们殷切要求他更好当心身体。 2. (以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令;嘱咐 She adjured him by his belief in God to tell the truth. 她命令他本着对上帝的信仰讲出真话。 3. 〈废〉使起誓 [ < L adjūrāre to swear to < AD- + jūrāre to swear < jūs oath]

adjurer, adjuror | adjust | adjustability | adjustable | adjustable rate mortgage | adjustably | adjusted | adjusted gross income | adjustedness | adjuster | adjustive | adjustment | adjustmental | adjustment center | adjustment downward | adjustor | adjutage | adjutancy | adjutant | adjutant bird | adjutant general | adjutantship | adjuvancy | adjuvant | adjuvant therapy | adland | Adler,Alfred | Adler, Felix | Adlerian | Adler, Mortimer Jerome |

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