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admission ความหมายคือ ad·mis·sion /ədˈmɪʃən/ n. 1. 准许进入,准许加入;进入(权),加入(权) admission to (或 into) a school (hospital) 入学(院) admission to (或 into) the UN 加入联合国 selective admissions of an educational institution 某校对新学生严加遴选的制度 minimum admission age 入学(或入会)年龄下限 the admissions director of a school 学校招生部主任 admission to the lectures by ticket 凭券入场听讲 grant (refuse) sb. admission into a club 准许(拒绝)某人加入俱乐部 Few of these books ever found admission to the library. 这些书中只有屈指可数的几部为图书馆收藏。apply for admission to the stacks 申请进书库阅览权 2. 入场费;入场人数;入场券 Admission free. 免费入场。Admission is £3. 入场券每张3英镑。Cinema admissions have been rising. 看电影的人一直在增加。By the end of May 10 million admissions will have been sold. 5月底前将售出1000万张票。 3. 录用,任用,任命 admission to the practice of law 被批准执业当律师 4. 承认,供认;确认属实的说明;确认的事实 His admission of the theft (或 that he had committed the theft) solved the mystery. 他承认偷窃,从而解决了疑案。make an admission of guilt 承认有罪 To resign now would be an admission of failure. 在这时候辞职等于承认失败。 5. (蒸汽机或内燃机中工作流体的)进入,进气(口) an admission valve 进入阀 6. 住院病人 [ < L admissiōn < admittere to admit] phr. on (或 by) sb.'s own admission 根据某人自己承认,据某人自述 On her own admission, she was repsonsibles for the accident. 她自己承认,事故应该由她负责。

Admission Day | admissive | admit | admit defeat | admit sb. to bail | admittable | admittance | admitted | admittedly | admitter | admittible | admitting that ... | admix | admixture | Adml. | admonish | admonisher | admonishingly | admonishment | admonition | admonitor | admonitorial | admonitorily | admonitory | admrx. | ADN | adnate | adnation | ad nauseam | adnexa |

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