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adopt ความหมายคือ a·dopt /əˈdɒpt/ vt. 1. 采取,采纳,采用 adopt a positive attitude (a tough line) 采取积极态度(强硬路线) adopt an idea (a policy) 采纳一个意见(政策) That country adopted press censorship. 那个国家采取了新闻检查制度。European dress has been adopted by people in many parts of the world. 西装已成为世界上许多地方人们的服装。adopt the Jewish faith 开始信仰犹太教 2. 正式通过,批准 Congress adopted the new measures. 国会通过了新措施。The House adopted the report. 众议院批准了这份报告。 3. 承继,收养;(承)认…为有某种关系的人(如继承人、父亲、朋友、公民等) (as) As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. 他们自己没有孩子,所以领养了一个孤儿。adopt a puppy 收养一条小狗 A little girl was adopted into the family. 一个小女孩被收养作为家庭一员。adopt one's niece as one's heir 指定自己的侄女为继承人 4. 吸收(外来语词) 5. 〈英〉提名…为候选人 6. (地方当局)承担保养(公路等)的责任 [ < L adoptāre to choose for oneself < AD- + optāre to opt] phr. adopt out 〈美〉将(孩子)给人收养

adoptability | adoptable | adopted | adoptee | adopter | adoption | adoptional | adoptionism | adoptionist | adoptive | adoptively | adopt out | adorability, adorableness | adorable | adorably | adoral | adorally | adoration | adore | adorer | adore the rising sun | adoring | adoringly | adorn | adorner | adorningly | adornment | Adorno,Theodor Wiesengrund | a dose of one's own medicine | Adoula,Cyrille |

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