advancement ความหมายคือ ad·vance·ment /ədˈvɑːnsmənt; ədˈvæns-/ n. 1. 前进;进展;改进,促进 the advancement of learning 学术的长进 opportunities of advancement for poor children 贫困学生的深造机会 2. 提升,晋升 That philosophy guided him through 17 years of steady advancement. 那种人生哲学指引他17年来稳步得到提升。His advancement to general (to his third star) came the following year. 翌年,他被提升为上将(三星军官)。He came here not for personal advancement, but to help improve the well-being of the people. 他到这里来不是图个人升官发财,而是为造福人民出一份力。 3. 提高;增加 an advancement in pay 工资的增加 4. 预付款项 5. 〔律〕(未立遗嘱者对继承人的)生前赠与(此项赠与将从继承人的应继承份内扣除)