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aegis ความหมายคือ ae·gis /ˈiːdʒɪs/ n. 1. [亦作 A-] 〔希神〕羊皮盾(指 Zeus 或其女儿 Athena 所持的帝盾) 2. 庇护;保护 3. 赞助,支持;主办;领导,指导 remove the U.N. aegis from the U.S. troop presence in a country 除去美国在某国驻军所打的联合国旗号 [L < Gr aigis shield of Zeus, goatskin < ? aix goat] phr. under the aegis of 1. 在…庇护(或保护)之下 under the unfailing aegis of law 在法律可靠的保护之下 2. 由…主办(或发起);在…领导(或指导)之下 a referendum under Anglo-American aegis 在英美两国监督下的一场公民投票 Labour returned under the aegis of “the social contract.” 工党打着“社会契约论”的旗号重新执政。

Aegisthus | aegrotat | Aegyptus | AEI | Aelfric | -aemia | Aeneas | Aeneas Silvius | Aeneid | Aeneolithic | aeneous, aëneous | Aeolian | aeolian | aeolian harp | Aeolian mode | Aeolic | Aeolis | aeolotropic | aeolotropism | aeolotropy | Aeolus | aeon | aeonian,aeonic | aepyornis | aeq. | aequorin | aer- | aerate | aerated | aeration |

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