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abuse ความหมายคือ a·buse /əˈbjuːz/ I vt. 1. 滥用,妄用 abuse one's authority (office) 滥用权威(职权) He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity. 他在职务范围之外任意滥用特权。He has abused my confidence in him. 他辜负了我对他的信任。abuse one's eyes by reading in a bad light 在光线不好的地方看书而损坏视力 2. [常用被动语态]虐待,伤害 provide help for the abused children 对被虐待儿童提供帮助 The arrested men have been physically abused. 被捕的人曾遭受肉体上的摧残。 3. 辱骂;毁谤 They abused each other. 他们相互詈骂。I ask him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors. 我要求他不再在私下向报馆编辑毁谤我。 4. 〈古〉欺骗 5. 对…行手淫;对…施性虐待;强奸 abuse oneself 手淫 II n. /əˈbjuːs/ 1. 滥用,妄用 alcohol abuse 酗酒 drug abuse 嗜用毒品 the abuses of the veto right by some members 几个成员对否决权的屡屡滥用 2. 虐待,伤害;凌辱 The abuse of the helpless prisoner made him bitter. 对无助的囚犯横加虐待使他怒火中烧。human rights abuses 侵犯人权的行为 3. 弊病;陋习 remedy an abuse 矫正弊端 eliminate abuses in the government 消灭政府中的舞弊现象 impose curbs on corporate abuses 强行制止公司界的种种弊端劣迹 4. 辱骂 shower sb. with abuse 破口大骂某人 greet sb. with a stream of abuse 迎头臭骂某人一顿 5. 〈古〉欺骗 6. 性虐待;强奸 [ < OFr abuser < L abūses a using up < abūtī misuse < AB-¹ + ūti to use]

abuser | abusive | abusively | abusiveness | abustle | abut | abutilon | abutment | abuttal | abutter | abutting | abuzz | ABV | abvolt | abwatt | abweber | Abwehr | aby(e) | abysm | abysmal | abysmally | abyss | abyssal | abyssal-benthic | abyssal rock | Abyssinia | Abyssinian | abyssopelagic | AB² | Ab² |

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