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A mineral of great hardness, and, when transparent, of much beauty. It occurs in hexagonal prisms, commonly of a green or bluish green color, but also yellow, pink, and white. It is a silicate of aluminium and glucinum (beryllium). The aquamarine is a transparent, sea-green variety used as a gem. The emerald is another variety highly prized in jewelry, and distinguished by its deep color, which is probably due to the presence of a little oxide of chromium.

Berylline | Beryllium | Berylloid | Besaiel | Besaile | Besayle | Bilgy | Biliary | Biliation | Biliferous | Bilifuscin | Bilimbi | Bilimbing | Biliment | Bilin | Bilinear | Bilingual | Bilingualism | Bilinguar | Bilinguist | Bilinguous | Bilious | Bilious | Bilious | Biliousness | Biliprasin | Bilirubin | Biliteral | Biliteral | Biliteralism |

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