Meaning :
(have you) ever; (as) before; did in the past; used to...
(the) usual; (the) familiar; (the) habitual
[aspect marker meaning "once" or "ever"]
auxiliary verb
[auxiliary verb] used to...; did once...
auxiliary verb
[ไม่เคย] [auxiliary verb combination] has never...; never did...
auxiliary verb
[ยังไม่เคย] [auxiliary verb combination] still has never...
noun, colloquial, ancient
small-sized shrimps used for making shrimp paste
noun, colloquial, vulgar
[southern dialect slang] vagina
Phonemic thai : เคย
Phonemic eng : kheeuy
Royal thai general system : khoei
Search terms : adverb have you ever as before did in the past used to noun the usual the familiar the habitual aspect marker meaning 34 once 34 or 34 ever 34 auxiliary verb auxiliary verb used to did once auxiliary verb auxiliary verb combination has never never did auxiliary verb auxiliary verb combination still has never noun colloquial ancient small sized shrimps used for making shrimp paste noun colloquial vulgar southern dialect slang vagina