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Acheulean, Acheulian
Acheulean, Acheulian ความหมายคือ A·cheu·le·an, A·cheu·li·an /əˈʃuːlɪən/ a.& n. 阿舍利文化(指欧洲旧石器时代初期继阿布维利文化之后的一种文化)(的) [

achha | achievable | achieve | achievement | achievement age | achievement quotient | achievement test | achiever | a children's (或 school) treat | achillea | Achillean | Achilles | Achilles' heel, Achilles heel | Achilles jerk | Achilles' spear | Achilles' tendon, Achilles tendon | Achilles tendon reflex | Achinese | achiness | aching | achingly | achiote | a chip in porridge (或 pottage, broth) | a chip of (或 off) the old block | a chip of (或 off) the old block | a chip on one's shoulder | achiral | Achitophel | achkan | achlamydeous |