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-acity ความหมายคือ -ac·i·ty /ˈæsətɪ/ suf. [用以构成名词]表示“…的特性”,“…的倾向”,“多…的特点”:tenacity, loquacity [

ack. | ack-ack, Ack-Ack | ackee | ack emma | ackers | acknowledge | acknowledgeable | acknowledged | acknowledgedly | acknowledg(e)ment | acknowledger | acknowledge (或 admit, confess) the corn | ACL | a clean bill of health | a clean breach | a clean sweep | a clear breach | aclinic | aclinic line | a close call | A close mouth catches no flies. | a close thing | a cloud on the horizon | ACLS | ACLU | ACM | acme | Acmeism | Acmeist | acne |