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acoustic ความหมายคือ a·cous·tic /əˈkuːstɪk/ I a. 1. 听觉的 an acoustic nerve 听神经 2. 声学的 acoustic waves 声波 acoustic velocity 声速(度) 3. 音响的;受声波控制的 an acoustic mine 声波水雷 an acoustic torpedo 音响鱼雷 4. 吸声的 acoustic tile 吸声砖 an acoustic wall 吸声墙 5. (乐器等)不用电传音的 II n. 1. 不用电传音的乐器;无电声放大的乐器 2. (录音的)音质;(录音室的)录音环境 [ < Gr akoustikos of hearing, for hearing < akouein to hear]

acoustical | acoustical hologram | acoustical holography | acoustically | acoustic coupler | acoustic feature | acoustic feedback | acoustician | acoustic impedance | acoustic microscope | acoustic perfume | acoustic phonetics | acoustics | acoustic shock | acousto- | acoustoelectric | acoustoelectronics | acoustooptics | a covenant of salt | a cow's tail | a cow's tail | ACP | acpt. | acqua alta | acquaint | acquaintance | acquaintance rape | acquaintanceship | acquaint oneself with (或 that) | acquaint sb. with (或that) |

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