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acrostic, acrostical
acrostic, acrostical ความหมายคือ a·cros·tic, a·cros·ti·cal /əˈkrɒstɪk/,/-kəl/ I n. 1. 离合诗(数行诗句中的第一个词的首字母或最后一个词的尾字母或其它特定处的字母能组合成词或词组等的一种诗体) 2. = acronym 3. 通过离合诗的启发而解答的谜(或难题) II a. 离合诗的;似离合诗的 [ < Fr acrostiche < Gr akrostikhis < ACRO- + stikhos line of verse, stich]

acrostically | ACRR | a crumpled rose-leaf | acrylamide | acrylate | acrylic | acrylic acid | acrylic fibre | acrylic plastic | acrylic resin | acrylonitrile | ACS | ACT | act | act. | actability | actable | Actaeon | act against | act a lie | act and deed | act a part | act a part | Acta Sanctorum | act-drop | act for | act from (或 out of) | actg. | ACTH | actigraph |

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