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a devil of a
a devil of a ความหมายคือ a devil of a 〈口〉非常糟糕的;极麻烦的;异常的 I had a devil of a job arguing him into doing it! 说服他干这件事我费了多少口舌啊!He had a devil of a time securing proper papers. 为了搞到必要的证件他真苦透了。be in a devil of a hole 处境非常困难

ad extremum | ADF | ad fin. | ad finem | ADGB | ADH | ADHD | adhere | adherence | adherend | adherent | adherently | adherer | adhesion | adhesional | adhesive | adhesive binding | adhesively | adhesiveness | adhesive tape | adhibit | adhibition | ad hoc | ad hocery, ad hoccery, ad hockery | ad-hocracy | ad hominem | ADI | adiabat | adiabatic | adiabatically |

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