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adieu ความหมายคือ a·dieu /əˈdjuː/ I int. 再见 II ([复] a·dieus 或 a·dieux /əˈdjuːz/) n. 告别,辞行 [ < OFr a dieu to God] phr. bid sb. adieu 向某人告别 make (或 take) one's adieu(s) 辞行 say adieu to sb. 向某人告别

Adige | a dime a dozen | ad in | Adina | ad inf., ad infin. | ad infinitum | ad init. | ad initium | ad int. | ad interim | adios | adipic | adipic acid | adipocellulose | adipocere | adipocerous | adipocyte | adipokinetic hormone | adipose | adiposeness | adipose tissue | adiposis | adiposity | adipsia | Adirondack Mountains | a dirty night | a dirty old man | a dirty old man | a disciple of Momus | a disciple (或 daughter, son) of Momus |

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