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adjunct ความหมายคือ ad·junct /ˈædʒʌŋkt/ I n. 1. 附属物,附件;辅助物 The American Civil War was the first to see railways used as an adjunct to military operations. 在美国南北战争中,铁路被首次用来辅助军事行动。 2. 助手,副手 3. 〔语〕修饰成分(指本身非句子主要结构成份、仅用来扩展或修饰另一个词或短语的词或短语) In the sentence “The tired man walked down the village street”, tired is an adjunct to the subject man, down the street is an adjunct to the verb walked, and village is an adjunct to the object street. 在 “The tired man walked down the village street” 一句中, “tired”修饰主语 “man”, “down the street”修饰动词 “walked”, “village” 修饰宾语 “street”。 4. 〔逻〕偶有属性(指非本质属性) II a. 附加的;辅助的 [ < L adjunctus joined to]

adjunction | adjunctive | adjunctively | adjunctly | adjunct professor | adjuration | adjuratory | adjure | adjurer, adjuror | adjust | adjustability | adjustable | adjustable rate mortgage | adjustably | adjusted | adjusted gross income | adjustedness | adjuster | adjustive | adjustment | adjustmental | adjustment center | adjustment downward | adjustor | adjutage | adjutancy | adjutant | adjutant bird | adjutant general | adjutantship |

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