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adolescent ความหมายคือ ad·o·les·cent /ˌædəʊˈlesənt/ I n. (尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents 青春影片 II a. 1. 青春期的 an adolescent outpatient clinic 青春期疾病门诊所 2. 青少年的 an adolescent gang 青少年犯罪集团 His taste is a bit adolescent. 他这人的趣味还不很成熟。 [ < L adolēscēns < adolēscere to grow up < AD- + alēscere to grow < alēre to feed, nourish]

adolescently | Adolf | a doll of a | Adolphus | Adonai | Adonis | Adonis blue | adopt | adoptability | adoptable | adopted | adoptee | adopter | adoption | adoptional | adoptionism | adoptionist | adoptive | adoptively | adopt out | adorability, adorableness | adorable | adorably | adoral | adorally | adoration | adore | adorer | adore the rising sun | adoring |

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