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adulterate ความหมายคือ a·dul·ter·ate /əˈdʌltəreɪt/ I vt. 在…中掺入低劣杂质,掺假使变得不纯 adulterate wine with water 在酒里掺水 adulterated milk 掺水牛奶 The quality of mercy has not been adulterated with easy tears. 怜悯之情并未伴以廉价的泪水而减其真诚。 II /əˈdʌltərɪt, -reɪt/ a. 1. 掺杂的,掺假的;假的,低劣的 2. 通奸的 [ < L adulterāre to corrupt, commit adultery < adulter an adulterer, a counterfeiter < AD- + alter other, another]

adulterated | adulteration | adulterator | adulterer | adulteress | adulterine | adulterous | adulterously | adultery | adultescent | adulthood | adultlike | adultly | adultness | adultoid | adult-onset diabetes | adult Western | adumbral | adumbrate | adumbration | adumbrative | adumbratively | adunc, aduncous | adust | a Dutch feast | Adv. | adv. | ad val. | ad valorem | advance |

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