adumbrate ความหมายคือ ad·um·brate /ˈædʌmbreɪt, ædˈʌm-/ vt. 1. 约略显示;勾划出…的轮廓 There was only time to adumbrate the plan. 时间有限,只能把计划简略谈一谈。The traditional view was first adumbrated in the eighteenth century. 这传统观念在18世纪开始初步形成。 2. 隐约预示 Social unrest adumbrated the French Revolution. 社会动荡预示法国大革命的到来。 3. 在…上投下阴影,(部分地)遮暗 His optimism was not at all adumbrated by difficulties. 困难丝毫不影响他的乐观精神。 [ < L adumbrātus represented only in outline < adumbrāre to cast a shadow on < AD- + umbra shadow]