[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

H (relative entropy of scoring matrix)
    BLASTP searches 
    gapped alignments 
    match-mismatch scoring 
    ungapped values 
H= parameter (WU-BLAST) 
hardware optimization 
HI (hit initiation) tag (PHI-BLAST) 
high-scoring pair  [See HSP]
histidine (H)  2nd 
Hit Table alignment view 
hitdist= parameter (WU-BLAST)  2nd 
    blastpgp parameter 
    mapping oligo/genomes 
    megablast parameter 
    multiple HSPs as 
    WU-BLAST parameter 
HMMER algorithm 
    cross-species exploration 
    proteins and 
horizontal gap score  2nd 
HSP (high-scoring pair)  [See also expected HSP length][See also expected HSP length]
    BLAST and 
    BLASTP search 
    exons and  2nd 
    Expect of  2nd 
    final threshold 
    frame-shifts  2nd 
    junk and 
    megablast parameter 
    normalized scores 
    pair-wise sum P-value 
    repeats and 
    reports  2nd  3rd 
    statistical significance 
    sum score  2nd 
    transcript clustering 
    WU-BLAST parameter 
hspmax= parameter (WU-BLAST) 
hspsepqmax= parameter (WU-BLAST) 
hspsepsmax= parameter (WU-BLAST) 
htg database 
HTML format 
hydrophilic amino acids  2nd 
hydrophobic amino acids
    codons with T 
    sequence similarity 
    substitutions and 
hypothetical proteins 

[ Team LiB ]