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back function
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (optional container function) 
    (queue class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
back_insert_iterator class template (<iterator> header)  2nd 
back_inserter function template (<iterator> header) 
backslash (\) 
    directives and 
    escape sequences 
    line continuation 
bad function (basic_ios class template) 
bad_alloc class (<new> header) 
bad_cast class (<typeinfo> header) 
bad_exception class (<exception> header) 
bad_typeid class (<typeinfo> header) 
badbit literal (ios_base class)  2nd 
base classes
    overload resolution 
    understanding I/O in C++ 
base function (reverse_iterator class template) 
basic_filebuf class template (<fstream> header) 
basic_fstream class template (<fstream> header)  2nd 
basic_ifstream class template (<fstream> header)  2nd 
basic_ios class template (<ios> header) 
basic_iostream class template (<istream> header) 
basic_istream class template (<istream> header)  2nd 
basic_istream::sentry class (<istream> header) 
    bool( ) function 
basic_istringstream class template (<sstream> header)  2nd 
basic_networkbuf class template 
basic_ofstream class template (<fstream> header)  2nd 
basic_ostream class template (<ostream> header)  2nd 
basic_ostream::sentry class (<ostream> header) 
    bool( ) function 
basic_ostringstream class template (<sstream> header)  2nd 
basic_streambuf class template (<streambuf> header)  2nd 
basic_string class template (<string> header) 
basic_string templates 
basic_stringbuf class template (<sstream> header) 
basic_stringstream class template (<sstream> header)  2nd 
basic_strstream function (strstream class) 
before function (type_info class) 
beg literal 
begin function 
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    implementation-defined (glossary definition) 
    undefined (glossary definition) 
bidirectional iterators 
    containers and  2nd 
bidirectional_iterator_tag class (<iterator> header) 
bigint class 
binary I/O  [See unformatted I/O]
binary literal 
binary-scope resolution operator 
binary_function class template (<functional> header) 
binary_negate class template (<functional> header) 
binary_search function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
bind1st function template (<functional> header) 
bind2nd function template (<functional> header) 
binder1st class template (<functional> header) 
binder2nd class template (<functional> header) 
binding names to temporary objects 
bitand operator 
bitmask of arbitrary size 
bitor operator 
bitset class template (<bitset> header)  2nd  3rd 
bitset::reference class (<bitset> header) 
bitwise and expression 
bitwise exclusive or expression 
bitwise inclusive or expression 
Blitz++ project  2nd 
bool function
    (basic_istream::sentry class) 
    (basic_ostream::sentry class) 
    (bitset::reference class) 
bool type 
boolalpha function 
    (<ios> header) 
boolalpha literal 
Boolean literals 
Boost project  2nd  3rd  4th 
_ _box operator (Managed C++ extension) 
break statement 
bsearch function (<cstdlib> header) 
btowc function (<cwchar> header) 
BUFSIZ macro (<cstdio> header) 
built-in assignment operators and lvalues 

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