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I/O library  [See I/O streams]
I/O operators, custom 
I/O streams 
    C standard I/O library 
    class hierarchy 
    errors and exceptions 
I/O to and from external files 
I/O-related headers 
    starting with an underscore 
    with two consecutive underscores 
if statements 
ifstream class (<fstream> header) 
ignore function (basic_istream class template) 
ill-formed (glossary definition) 
imag function (complex class template) 
imag function template (<complex> header) 
imbue function
    (basic_filebuf class template) 
    (basic_ios class template) 
    (basic_streambuf class template) 
    (ios_base class) 
imbue_event literal 
implementation-defined behavior (glossary definition) 
implicit member functions 
implicit numeric conversions 
implicit object arguments 
implicit object parameters 
implicit type conversion 
in function (codecvt class template) 
in literal 
in_avail function (basic_streambuf class template) 
includes function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
incomplete class declarations 
increment operator
    containers and 
indirect_array class template (<valarray> header) 
infinity function (numeric_limits class template) 
    friendship and 
    multiple  [See multiple inheritance]
    standard container classes and public 
    versus unions 
inherited functions, overloading 
Init class 
init function (basic_ios class template) 
    assignment-like  2nd 
    conversion  2nd 
    exceptions thrown during 
    function-like  2nd 
    assignment-like  [See assignment-like initializers]
    copy  [See assignment-like initializers]
    direct  [See function-like initializers]
    function-like  [See function-like initializers]
    non-class-type objects by calling conversion functions 
    objectÕs members 
inline functions  2nd 
inline public members 
inner scopes 
inner_product function template (<numeric> header) 
inplace_merge algorithm 
inplace_merge function template (<algorithm> header) 
input iterators  2nd 
input_iterator_tag class (<iterator> header) 
InputIterator type 
insert function  2nd  3rd 
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
insert iterators 
insert member functions and containers 
insert_iterator class template (<iterator> header)  2nd 
inserter function template (<iterator> header) 
instance variables  [See data members]
instantiating templates 
instantiation (glossary definition) 
int_curr_symbol (lconv member) 
int_frac_digits (lconv member) 
INT_MAX macro (<climits> header) 
INT_MIN macro (<climits> header) 
_ _int64 type
    (Managed C++ extension) 
    (RAD extension) 
integer literals 
integral constant expressions 
interface classes 
internal function 
    (<ios> header) 
internal linkage (scope) 
internal literal 
invalid_argument class (<stdexcept> header) 
ios_base class (<ios> header)  2nd 
ios_base::event type (<ios> header) 
ios_base::event_callback type (<ios> header) 
ios_base::failure class (<ios> header) 
ios_base::fmtflags type (<ios> header) 
ios_base::Init class (<ios> header) 
ios_base::iostate type (<ios> header) 
ios_base::openmode type (<ios> header) 
ios_base::seekdir type (<ios> header) 
iostate type 
iostream class (<istream> header) 
is function 
    (ctype class template) 
is_bounded member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_exact member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_iec559 member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_integer member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_modulo member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_open functiomembern
    (basic_ofstream class template) 
is_open function
    (basic_filebuf class template) 
    (basic_fstream class template) 
    (basic_ifstream class template) 
is_signed member (numeric_limits class template) 
is_specialized member (numeric_limits class template) 
isalnum function (<cctype> header) 
isalnum function template (<locale> header) 
isalpha function (<cctype> header) 
isalpha function template (<locale> header) 
iscntrl function (<cctype> header) 
iscntrl function template (<locale> header) 
isdigit function (<cctype> header) 
isdigit function template (<locale> header) 
isgraph function (<cctype> header) 
isgraph function template (<locale> header) 
islower function (<cctype> header) 
islower function template (<locale> header) 
isprint function (<cctype> header) 
isprint function template (<locale> header) 
ispunct function (<cctype> header) 
ispunct function template (<locale> header) 
isspace function (<cctype> header) 
isspace function template (<locale> header) 
istream class (<istream> header) 
istream_iterator class template (<iterator> header) 
istreambuf_iterator class template (<iterator> header) 
istringstream class (<sstream> header) 
istrstream class (<strstream> header) 
isupper function (<cctype> header) 
isupper function template (<locale> header) 
iswalnum function (<cwctype> header) 
iswalpha function (<cwctype> header) 
iswcntrl function (<cwctype> header) 
iswctype function (<cwctype> header) 
iswdigit function (<cwctype> header) 
iswgraph function (<cwctype> header) 
iswlower function (<cwctype> header) 
iswprint function (<cwctype> header) 
iswpunct function (<cwctype> header) 
iswspace function (<cwctype> header) 
iswupper function (<cwctype> header) 
iswxdigit function (<cwctype> header) 
isxdigit function (<cctype> header) 
isxdigit function template (<locale> header) 
iter_swap function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
iterator class template (<iterator> header) 
iterator_traits class template (<iterator> header) 
iterator_traits<const T*> template specialization (<iterator> header) 
iterator_traits<T*> template specialization (<iterator> header) 
        writing a 
    glossary definition 
    random access 
    reverse  [See reverse iterators]
    type and containers 
iword function (ios_base class) 

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