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RAD extensions 
radix member (numeric_limits class template) 
RAII (Resource Allocation Is Initialization) (glossary definition) 
raise function (<csignal> header) 
rand function (<cstdlib> header) 
RAND_MAX macro (<cstdlib> header) 
random access iterators 
random-access iterators 
random_access_iterator_tag class (<iterator> header) 
random_shuffle function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
range_error class (<stdexcept> header) 
Rapid Application Development products 
rational class template for rational numbers 
rational class, I/O for 
rational objects in a valarray 
raw_storage_iterator class template (<memory> header) 
rbegin function
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
rdbuf function
    (basic_fstream class template) 
    (basic_ifstream class template) 
    (basic_ios class template) 
    (basic_istringstream class template) 
    (basic_ofstream class template) 
    (basic_ostringstream class template) 
    (istrstream class) 
    (ostrstream class) 
    (strstream class) 
rdstate function (basic_ios class template) 
read function (basic_istream class template)  2nd 
readsome function (basic_istream class template) 
real function (complex class template) 
real function template (<complex> header) 
realloc function (<cstdlib> header) 
rebind function (allocator class template) 
records versus classes 
recursion, examples 
recursive functions 
reference function (allocator class template) 
reference sections
reference type and containers 
    binding to conversions  2nd 
    common uses of 
    const  [See const references]
    restrictions on 
    versus pointers 
register storage class
register_callback function (ios_base class) 
reinterpret_cast operator  2nd 
    pointers-to-members and 
    unions and 
rel_ops namespace (<utility> header) 
relational expressions 
relational operators in containers 
release function (auto_ptr class template) 
remove function
    (<cstdio> header) 
    (list class template) 
remove function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
remove_copy function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
remove_copy_if function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
remove_if function (list class template) 
remove_if function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
rename function (<cstdio> header) 
rend function
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
replace function (basic_string class template) 
replace function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
replace_copy function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
replace_copy_if function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
replace_if function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
reserve function
    (basic_string class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
reserved identifiers 
reserved keywords, list of 
reset function
    (auto_ptr class template) 
    (bitset class template) 
resetioflags function 
resetiosflags function (<iomanip> header) 
resize function
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (valarray class template)  2nd 
Resource Allocation Is Initialization (RAII) (glossary definition) 
restricted classes 
return statement 
return types
Return Value Optimization (RVO) (glossary definition) 
return_temporary_buffer function template (<memory> header) 
reverse function (list class template) 
reverse function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
reverse iterators
    containers and 
    problems with 
reverse_copy function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
reverse_iterator class template (<iterator> header) 
rewind function (<cstdio> header) 
rfind function (basic_string class template) 
right function 
    (<ios> header) 
right literal 
rotate function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
rotate_copy function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
round_error function (numeric_limits class template) 
round_style member (numeric_limits class template) 
runtime character set 
runtime_error class (<stdexcept> header) 
rvalue pointer 
    glossary definition 
    operators and 
    references and 
    rules for 
RVO (glossary definition) 

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