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C-style cast 
c_str function (basic_string class template) 
C library wrappers 
C standard I/O library 
C versus C++
    struct and union keywords 
C++ Builder 
C++ compiler 
C++ projects 
    deprecated feature of 
    I/O library  [See I/O streams]
    library  [See standard library]
calloc function (<cstdlib> header) 
calls to member functions 
candidate functions 
capacity function
    (basic_string class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
case label (GNU compiler) 
case labels in switch statements 
case sensitivity 
case-insensitive string class, creating a 
cast expressions 
catch keyword 
ceil function (<cmath> header) 
cerr variable (<iostream> header) 
char type 
CHAR_BIT macro (<climits> header) 
CHAR_MAX macro (<climits> header) 
CHAR_MIN macro (<climits> header) 
char_traits class template (<string> header)  2nd 
char_traits<char> class (<string> header) 
char_traits<wchar_t> class (<string> header) 
character escape sequences 
character literals 
character sets that C++ uses at compile time and runtime 
chraracter traits 
cin variable (<iostream> header) 
class declarations  [See also classes]
    defining members outside of 
class keyword 
class templates 
    basic form 
    member templates and 
    multiple instantiations 
    base  [See base classes]
    containing a using directive 
    derived  [See derived classes]
    hidden helper 
    local  [See local classes]
    POD  [See POD, classes]
    restricted  [See restricted classes]
    simple  [See POD]
    trivial  [See trivial classes]
    versus records 
classic function (locale class template) 
classic_table function (ctype< > class template) 
clear function 
    (basic_ios class template) 
    (basic_string class template) 
    (deque class template) 
    (list class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
    (valarray class template) 
clearerr function (<cstdio> header) 
clock function (<ctime> header) 
clock_t type (<ctime> header) 
CLOCKS_PER_SEC macro (<ctime> header) 
clog variable (<iostream> header) 
close function
    (basic_filebuf class template) 
    (basic_fstream class template) 
    (basic_ifstream class template) 
    (basic_ofstream class template) 
    (message class) 
_ _closure keyword (RAD extension) 
codecvt class template (<locale> header) 
codecvt_base class (<locale> header) 
codecvt_byname class template (<locale> header) 
collate class template (<locale> header) 
collate_byname class template (<locale> header) 
collections  [See containers]
combine function (locale class template) 
comma expressions 
comma operator (,) 
    syntax of 
comments, defined 
commutative operators, defining 
compare function 
    (basic_string class template) 
    (char_traits<char> class) 
comparison operators, overloading 
compilation process 
compile-time computing, example 
compiler extensions 
compiler token, differences between preprocessor token and 
    deducing template arguments 
    templates and 
    universal characters and 
compl operator 
complex class template (<complex> header)  2nd 
complex<double> template specialization (<complex> header) 
complex<float> template specialization (<complex> header) 
complex<long double> template specialization (<complex> header) 
compound statements 
concatenation operator 
concrete classes 
condition declaration, syntax for 
conditional expressions 
    if statements 
    switch statements 
conj function template (<complex> header) 
const member functions, declaring 
const reference 
const specifiers  [See cv-qualifiers]
const, array of 
const_cast operator  2nd 
    containers and  2nd 
    problems with 
    versus const iterators 
const_mem_fun_ref_t class template (<functional> header) 
const_mem_fun_t class template (<functional> header) 
const_mem_fun1_ref_t class template (<functional> header) 
const_mem_fun1_t class template (<functional> header) 
const_pointer type (allocator class template) 
const_reference type (allocator class template) 
    containers and 
constant expressions 
constant flag (strstreambuf class) 
construct function (allocator class template) 
    containers and 
    declaring with explicit specifiers 
    default  2nd 
    throwing and catching exceptions during construction 
    unexpected calls 
    allocators and 
    auto_ptr< > objects in 
    bidirectional iterators 
    const_iterators and 
    determining if empty 
    equality and relational operators 
    erasing all items in 
    exceptions and 
    implementing your own 
    insert member functions and 
    inserting multiple values 
    member functions and 
    public inheritance and 
    removing items from 
    required constructors 
    reverse iterators and 
    searching for items in 
    that support bidirectional iterators 
    value type requirements 
    values added to 
continue statement
    in loops 
        while loops 
control statements 
conversion operators 
    array to a pointer 
    references binding to  2nd 
converting classes 
copy assignment operators
    explicitly implementing 
copy constructors 
    explicitly implementing 
copy function
    (basic_string class template) 
    (char_traits<char> class) 
copy function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
copy_backward function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
copy_if function template 
copyfmt function (basic_ios class template) 
copyfmt_event literal 
cos function (<cmath> header) 
cos function template
    (<complex> header) 
    (<valarray> header) 
cosh function (<cmath> header) 
cosh function template
    (<complex> header) 
    (<valarray> header) 
count function 
    (bitset class template) 
    (map class template) 
    (multimap class template) 
    (multiset class template) 
    (set class template) 
count function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
count_if function template (<algorithm> header)  2nd 
cout variable (<iostream> header) 
covariant return types 
_ _cplusplus macro 
cshift function (valarray class template) 
ctime function (<ctime> header) 
ctype class template (<locale> header) 
ctype<char> class (<locale> header) 
ctype_base class (<locale> header) 
ctype_byname class template (<locale> header) 
ctype_byname<char> class (<locale> header) 
cur literal 
curr_symbol function (moneypunct class template) 
currency_symbol (lconv member) 
custom traits 
    data members and 
    glossary definition 
    in functions 
    pointers and 

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