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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

    displaying images with 
    href attribute 
    HTMLAnchorElement and 
    Link object, creating 
    links[] array and 
    onmouseover, onmouseout event handlers  2nd 
    onmouseover attribute 
    target attribute 
about\: protocol specifier 
above property 
abs() function 
absolute positioning, elements 
AbstractView object  2nd 
accept property 
acceptNode() method 
access operators 
accessKey property  2nd 
acos() function 
action attribute, javascript\: URL as value of 
action property  2nd 
ActionScript (scripting language) 
activeElement property 
ActiveX controls
    Applet object and 
    displaying embedded data in Internet Explorer 
    Java objects, treating as 
    security problems with 
add() method 
addEventListener() method  2nd 
    mixing original event model and DOM Level 2 
    passing function references directly to 
    this (keyword) and 
    + (plus) operator 
    ++ (increment) operator 
addition and assignment (+=) operator 
alert() method  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    debugging messages, displaying 
    displaying HTML output with 
align property  2nd 
aLink property 
alinkColor property  2nd  3rd 
all[] property 
    Document object  2nd 
    HTMLElement object 
alphabetical order 
    sorting arrays in 
alt property 
alternation in regular expressions 
altKey property 
    IE Event  2nd 
    MouseEvent object 
ancestors of nodes 
Anchor object  2nd  3rd  4th 
    anchors property 
    regular expression 
        summary of 
anchors[] property
    Anchor object 
    Document object  2nd  3rd  4th 
AND (&&) operator 
and (&) operator 
animateCSS() function 
        cross-browser animation script 
        moving Button object in circle 
    frame color 
    image replacement 
        automatically starting with onload event handler 
        implementing ToggleButton with 
    status bar 
anonymous functions  2nd 
apostrophe ('), in single-quoted strings 
appCodeName property  2nd 
appendChild() method  2nd  3rd  4th 
appendData() method  2nd 
appending text (within Text node) 
appendMedium() method 
Applet object 
    name attribute and 
    applets[] array and 
    JavaScript interaction with 
        mayscript attribute 
    JSObjects, using in  2nd 
applets[] property  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
apply() method  2nd 
    Function object 
appName property  2nd  3rd 
appVersion property  2nd 
tags  2nd 
    onmouseover and onmouseout event handlers 
area() method 
Arguments object  2nd 
    callee property 
    length property 
arguments, function  2nd 
    verifying number of 
arguments[] property 
    Arguments object 
    Function object 
arithmetic operators  2nd  3rd 
array elements (JavaScript objects), setting from Java 
array literals  2nd 
Array object 
    constructor for 
Array() constructor function 
arrays  2nd  3rd  4th 
    accessing elements of 
    of arrays  2nd 
    associative  2nd 
    comparing by reference 
    converting to numbers 
    creating  2nd 
    DOM objects behaving as 
    elements of 
        adding new 
        creating arrays 
        length, specifying  2nd 
        reading and writing 
    functions, assigning to elements 
    indexing (regular vs. associative) 
    Java, converting to JavaScript 
    JavaArray class  2nd  3rd 
    looping through elements 
        concat()  2nd 
        join()  2nd 
        push()  2nd 
        reverse()  2nd 
        shift()  2nd 
        splice()  2nd  3rd 
        toLocaleString()  2nd 
        toString()  2nd  3rd 
        unshift()  2nd 
    objects vs. 
    operators for 
    passing by reference to functions 
    as reference types 
    string regular expression matching 
ASCII character encoding 
asin() function 
assignment operators 
    lvalues and 
assignment statements 
associative arrays  2nd  3rd 
    functions, storing in 
    objects as 
associativity, operator  2nd 
asterisk  [See *, under Symbols]
atan() function 
atan2() function 
attachEvent() method 
Attr object  2nd 
attrChange property 
    CSS style 
        CSS2Properties corresponding to 
        DOM object types representing 
        modifying HTML elements with 
        Style object and 
    deleting from element 
    DOM elements 
    event handler 
    HTML  [See also HTML attributes]
        DOM elements representing 
        names, conflicts with JavaScript keywords 
attributes[] property  2nd 
attrName property 
availHeight property  2nd 
availLeft property 
availTop property 
availWidth property  2nd 

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