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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

    boolean data type, C vs. JavaScript 
    C language version, JavaScript interpreter 
    char data type 
    comments, support in JavaScript 
    delete operator in C++, JavaScript vs. 
    double data type 
    Java Script vs. 
    null value, JavaScript vs. 
    switch statements 
    JavaScript code 
    off-screen images and 
calculate() function 
call objects  2nd 
call() method 
    Function object 
    JSObject object  2nd 
callee property  2nd  3rd 
caller property 
cancelable property  2nd 
cancelBubble property (IE Event)  2nd  3rd 
capitalization  [See case]
caption property 
captions, HTML tables  2nd 
captureEvents() method  2nd 
capturing, event propagation 
    addEventListener() method and 
    dragging document elements (DOM Level 2) 
    Event object, DOM Level 2 
    nested functions and 
    Netscape 4 event model 
    security restrictions on 
caret  [See ^, under Symbols]
carriage returns 
Cascading Style Sheets  [See CSS]
    alphabetical sorting and 
    event handler attributes, HTML and XHTML 
    insensitivity to
        alphabetical sorting, array of strings 
        HMTL tags 
        in pattern matching  2nd  3rd  4th 
    lowercase, converting strings to  2nd 
    reversing in a document 
    sensitivity to
        in JavaScript 
        JavaScript naming conventions 
        JavaScript properties 
        in string comparisons 
    uppercase, converting strings to  2nd 
case label (switch statement) 
catch clause (try/catch/finally statement) 
CDATASection object  2nd 
ceil() function 
cellIndex property 
cells property 
cells, HTML tables 
char data type 
    Java, in JavaScript 
character classes (in regular expressions) 
character codes, converting to strings 
character encoding
    decoding  2nd 
    encoding for URIs 
    hexadecimal escape sequences 
    string containing, creating 
    URI components 
character sets 
    charset property (Document) 
    defaultCharset property (Document) 
CharacterData object  2nd 
    converting between JavaScript and Java 
    finding in strings 
    in regular expressions 
charAt() method  2nd 
charCodeAt() method 
check() function 
Checkbox object  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
checked property 
    Checkbox object  2nd 
    Input object 
    Radio object  2nd 
child nodes  2nd 
    changing parent node 
    of DocumentFragment 
childNodes property  2nd  3rd 
children[] property
    Document object  2nd 
    HTMLElement object  2nd 
class methods 
class of elements, applying CSS style rules to 
class properties 
    built-in, prototypes and 
    hierarchy of 
    HTML elements 
    instances of 
        creating instances with new operator 
        JavaClass object  2nd 
        JavaObject object 
        JSObject class 
        using directly from JavaScript 
    members of 
        class methods 
        class properties 
        instance methods 
        instance properties 
    object  2nd 
        converting to strings 
        defining (complex number class) 
        defining constructors for 
        prototypes and inheritance 
    wrapper, for primitive data types 
className property  2nd  3rd  4th 
CLASSPATH variable 
clear() method 
clearInterval() method  2nd  3rd 
clearTimeout() method  2nd  3rd 
click events  [See also event handlers; Event object; events]
click() method 
    HTMLInputElement object 
clicking on input elements 
client sniffers  2nd 
client-side JavaScript  2nd  3rd  4th 
    browser environment 
        event-driven programming 
        object hierarchy and DOM 
        window as global execution context 
    capabilities of 
        browser behavior, controlling 
        client state information 
        document appearance and content 
        interacting with HTML forms 
        interacting with user 
    case insensitivity in objects and properties 
    DOM, combining with scripting of JavaScript interpreter 
    embedded in browsers 
    embedding in HTML documents 
        event handlers 
        src attribute, tag 
    executable web page content 
    features listing by browser 
    global variables and functions defined by 
    interacting windows 
        restrictions on 
    W3C DOM API vs. 
    writing scripts 
clientInformation property  2nd 
clientX, clientY properties
    IE Event object  2nd 
    MouseEvent object  2nd 
clip attribute 
clipping area, layers 
cloneContents() method  2nd 
cloneNode() method 
cloneRange() method 
close() method
    Document object  2nd 
        creating new documents 
        dynamic document generation 
    HTMLDocument object 
    Window object  2nd  3rd  4th 
        security restrictions and 
closed property  2nd  3rd 
    defensive coding for platform incompatibilities 
    indenting  2nd  3rd 
code property 
collapse() method 
collapsed property 
collection, HTML elements 
color-changing animation 
colorDepth property  2nd 
    background and foreground, document 
    Document object properties for 
    for browser screens 
    frames with color animation 
        visited, in document 
    RGBColor object  2nd 
cols property 
columns, HTML tables 
comma (,) operator 
    combining multiple expressions in loops 
Comment object  2nd 
comments  2nd  3rd 
    Comment node, creating 
        hiding scripts in 
    JavaScript code 
        mixing with HTML 
commonAncestorContainer property 
compareBoundaryPoints() method 
    boolean values returned by 
    by reference  2nd 
    by value  2nd 
        by reference vs. 
    equality and identity operators 
    string literals 
comparison functions, for array sorting 
comparison operators 
    data types of operands and returns 
    object data type conversion 
    browsers, non-JavaScript 
    language versions (JavaScript) 
        language attribute () 
        loading new (compatible) page 
        suppressing version-related errors 
        testing version explicitly 
    platform and browser 
        avoiding browser incompatibilities 
        failing to resolve incompatibilities 
        feature testing 
        ignoring incompatibilities 
        platform incompatibilities, defensive coding for 
        platform-specific workarounds 
        server-side scripts 
compiling applets with JSObjects 
complete property  2nd 
complex number class, defining 
compound statements  2nd 
    break, continue, return, or throw statement in 
    displaying Fibonacci numbers 
    loan payments (example program) 
computed styles  2nd 
concat() method
    Array object  2nd 
    String object 
concatenating strings 
    + operator  2nd  3rd 
    array elements converted to 
conditional operators
    associativity of 
conditional statements 
configuring security policy 
confirm() method  2nd  3rd 
constants  2nd 
    code property values (DOMException) 
    constant expressions 
    defined by DOM interfaces 
    defining with prototype properties 
    Event object (bitmask) 
    eventPhase property values 
    Infinity, NaN, and Number 
        NaN (not-a-number) 
    primitiveType property values  2nd 
constructor functions  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th 
    Function(), function literals vs. 
    invoking with new operator 
    methods, defining in 
    multiple frames/windows and 
    predefined vs. user-defined in multiple windows 
    prototype objects, defining 
    prototype property  2nd 
constructor property  2nd  3rd 
contains() method 
continue statements
    in do/while loop, bug in  2nd 
    semicolons in 
    data types 
        automatic conversions, JavaScript 
        explicit conversions 
        Java to JavaScript 
        JavaObject objects to JavaScript primitive types 
        manipulating Java types from JavaScript 
        numbers to strings 
        objects to primitive values 
        strings to numbers 
    dates and times 
    objects to string literals 
cookie property  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
cookieEnabled property 
cookies  2nd 
    domain attribute  2nd 
    example of 
    expires attribute 
    path attribute  2nd 
    secure attribute  2nd 
    specification, original (web site) 
        limitations, browser and server 
    visibility of 
    mouse pointer  2nd 
    pixel (where event occurred) 
    by reference  2nd 
    by value  2nd 
        by reference vs. 
cos() function 
cosine (arc) 
countCharacters() function 
Counter object  2nd 
counter that controls a loop, incrementing 
counter variable 
counting references (garbage collection) 
countTags() function 
createAttribute() method 
createAttributeNS() method 
createCaption() method 
createCDATASection() method 
createComment() method 
createCSSStyleSheet() method  2nd 
createDocument() method  2nd 
createDocumentFragment() method 
createDocumentType() method 
createElement() method  2nd 
createElementNS() method 
createEntityReference() method 
createEvent() method  2nd 
createHTMLDocument() method 
createNodeIterator() method  2nd 
createProcessingInstruction() method 
createRange() method  2nd 
createTextNode() method  2nd  3rd 
createTFoot() method 
createTHead() method 
createTreeWalker() method  2nd 
creator property 
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)  2nd 
    defining and using (example) 
    DOM APIs for 
        CSSStyleDeclaration object 
        DOMImplementation object 
        override styles 
        traversing style sheets 
    element display and visibility 
        partial visibility 
    element positioning 
        position attribute 
        specifying position and size 
        z-index attribute (stacking order) 
    JavaScript, manipulating styles with 
        DHTML animations 
        dynamic bar charts (example) 
        naming CSS attributes in JavaScript 
    Netscape 4 Layer API 
    style attributes 
        Style object and 
    style properties, Layer property equivalents 
    style rules
        applying to documents 
        determining precedence of 
    style sheets, associating with documents 
    versions of 
CSS2Properties object  2nd  3rd 
    property names, CSS attributes vs. 
    style properties, working with 
CSSCharsetRule object 
CSSFontFaceRule object 
CSSImportRule object 
CSSMediaRule object 
CSSPageRule object 
CSSPrimitiveValue object  2nd 
CSSRule object  2nd 
CSSRuleList object 
cssRules[] property  2nd  3rd 
CSSStyleDeclaration object  2nd  3rd 
CSSStyleRule object  2nd 
CSSStyleSheet object  2nd 
cssText property  2nd  3rd 
CSSUnknownRule object 
CSSValue object  2nd 
CSSValueList object  2nd 
cssValueType property  2nd 
ctrlKey property 
    IE Event  2nd 
    MouseEvent object 
curly braces  [See {}, under Symbols]
currentNode property 
currentStyle property (IE 5 and later) 
currentTarget property  2nd  3rd 
cyclical references 

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