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m attribute (multiline matches) 
m flag (regular expressions)  2nd 
Macromedia Flash 
magic cookies 
mailto\: protocol specifier, security restrictions on 
makeBarChart() function 
makeTable() function 
maketoc() function 
malicious programs, guarding against 
tags, target attribute 
margin properties, setting 
mark-and-sweep garbage collection 
markers, HTML comments  2nd 
match() method  2nd 
    lastIndex property and 
Math object  2nd 
    max() function 
Math property 
mathematical functions 
    arithmetic operators 
max() function  2nd 
    Math object 
MAX_VALUE constant  2nd 
maxLength property 
mayscript attribute 
media property  2nd  3rd 
MediaList object 
mediaText property 
members, class 
    Circle class, defining for 
    class methods 
    class properties 
    instance methods 
    instance properties 
    deallocating (garbage collection) 
    reclaiming through garbage collection 
        mark-and-sweep algorithm 
menu bar, visibility in window 
message property
    Error object  2nd  3rd 
    EvalError object 
    RangeError object 
    ReferenceError object 
    SyntaxError object 
    TypeError object 
    URIError object 
metacharacters in regular expressions 
metaKey property  2nd 
method property  2nd 
methods  2nd  3rd  4th 
    Array object 
    built-in classes, defining for 
    defining and invoking 
    Document object 
    DOM interfaces 
    factory, for creating objects (DOM) 
    Function object  2nd 
    functions vs. 
        invoking from JavaScript 
        using in JavaScript 
    object  2nd 
        invoking functions as 
    RegExp object, for pattern matching 
    String object, using regular expressions 
    Window object 
    Internet Explorer  [See Internet Explorer]
    JScript interpreter  2nd 
        embedded in browsers 
        language attribute for 
    local time  2nd 
    representation of specified Date object date 
    setting for date and time 
    UTC time 
        setting for date 
MIME types
    non-HTML documents 
    scripting language, specifying as 
MimeType object 
mimeTypes[] property 
min() function 
MIN_VALUE constant 
    local time  2nd 
    UTC time 
        setting for date 
modification date, Document object  2nd  3rd 
modifiers property  2nd 
modules, DOM
        interfaces associated with 
    style sheets and CSS 
    testing support for 
modulo (%) operator  2nd 
monitors, size and color-depth 
    local time 
        setting in 
    UTC time 
        setting for date 
more than (>) operator 
mouse events 
    HTMLElement properties for 
    Link object 
mouse pointer, X and Y coordinates  2nd 
mousedown event handler, invoking from beginDrag() function 
mousedown events 
MouseEvent object  2nd  3rd 
moveAbove() method  2nd 
moveBelow() method  2nd 
moveBy() method
    Layer object  2nd 
    Window object  2nd  3rd 
moveTo() method
    Layer object  2nd 
    Window object  2nd  3rd  4th 
moveToAbsolute() method 
movies embedded in web page, playing with LiveVideo 
moving a window (example code) 
    client sniffers, prewritten code 
    CSS style and position attributes 
    DOM standard, conformance to 
    objects, registering as event handlers 
    open-source JavaScript interpreter, web site 
    test suites for standards 
multidimensional arrays  2nd 
    accessing with JavaArray objects 
multiline matches  2nd 
multiline property (RegExp) 
multiple attribute () 
multiple property 
multiple scripts in document 
multiplication (*) operator 
MutationEvent object  2nd  3rd 

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