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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

\\\\d (digits, ASCII) 
\\\\D (digits (ASCII), any character other than) 
data property  2nd 
data types  2nd 
    arrays  2nd 
        JavaArray class 
        automatic conversions 
        explicit conversions 
        Java to JavaScript 
        numbers to strings 
        objects to primitive values 
        strings to numbers 
    floating-point  2nd 
    functions as 
    functions vs. 
    Java  2nd 
    JavaClass class 
        Date objects 
        Object class 
        Java to JavaScript conversion 
    manipulating by value and by reference 
    object  [See also objects]
        null values 
    object operands, converting to strings or numbers 
    Object, Array, and Function 
    of operands 
    operators and 
        converting objects to 
        reference types vs. 
        wrapper objects 
        property names 
    TypeError exceptions 
    typeof operator 
date and time 
Date object  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    + operator, string concatenation with 
    converting to primitive data type 
    copying, passing, and comparing by reference 
    localized values for 
    methods, listing of 
    Netscape 2, bugs in 
dates and times
    cookie expiration date, setting 
    current and last modified date, adding to HTML document 
    last modification to document  2nd  3rd 
    time zones 
    day of month, local time  2nd 
    day of month, UTC time 
    day of week, local time 
    day of week, UTC time 
deallocating memory 
debug() function 
    displaying messages in dialog box 
    for/in loop, using 
    outputting plain-text debugging messages 
decimal places, specifying in number-to-string conversion 
declaring  [See also defining]
    array elements 
    loop counter variable 
        var statement 
decodeURI() function 
decodeURIComponent() function 
decrement (--) operator  2nd 
decrementing loop variables 
default\: label (switch statement)  2nd 
defaultCharset property 
defaultChecked property 
    Checkbox object  2nd 
    Input object 
    Radio object  2nd 
defaultSelected property  2nd 
defaultStatus property  2nd  3rd  4th 
    displaying welcome message 
defaultValue property  2nd  3rd 
defaultView property 
defensive coding 
defer attribute 
    event handlers 
    functions  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
        custom properties 
        with function literals 
        with Function() constructor 
        Function() constructor vs. function literals 
        problems using with statement 
    object properties 
    regular expressions 
        alternation, grouping, and references 
        character classes 
        literal characters in 
        match position, specifying 
delaying code execution  2nd 
delete operator  2nd  3rd 
deleteCaption() method 
deleteCell() method 
deleteContents() method  2nd 
deleteData() method  2nd 
deleteMedium() method 
deleteRow() method  2nd 
deleteRule() method
    CSSMediaRule object 
    CSSStyleSheet object  2nd 
deleteTFoot() method 
deleteTHead() method 
    array elements
        pop()  2nd 
        shift()  2nd 
        splice()  2nd 
    Document object 
    object properties 
    Option objects 
    text within a Text node 
descendant nodes 
description property
    MimeType object 
    Plugin object 
detach() method
    NodeIterator object 
    Range object 
detachEvent() method 
detail property  2nd 
DHTML (Dynamic HTML)  2nd  3rd 
    animations using CSS and JavaScript 
    cross-browser animation script 
    CSS position attribute and 
    feature testing for effects supported 
    Internet Explorer 4 
    Netscape 4, using in 
dialog boxes  2nd  3rd 
    debugging messages, displaying 
    displaying HTML output in 
    dynamically creating 
    prompting messages 
    Window object methods for  2nd 
digital signatures 
    ASCII, regular expression character classes 
    in identifier names 
dir property  2nd 
disabled property  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
dispatchEvent() method  2nd 
display attribute 
display_time_in_status_line() function (example) 
displayNextFrame() function 
distance() function 
    inserting debugging messages 
    onmousedown attribute 
    % (modulo) operator 
    / (division) operator 
do/while loops 
    continue statements in 
doctype property 
tags, standards information in 
Document object  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    Anchor objects and 
    anchors  2nd 
        navigation window listing all anchors 
    appearance and content, controlling 
    capturing events (Netscape 4) 
    color properties 
    domain property 
    dynamically generated documents 
    embedded data 
    event handlers and 
        event handlers 
        image replacement, implementing ToggleButton with 
    Internet Explorer properties 
    last modified date 
        event handlers 
        web crawlers and 
    opening non-HTML documents 
    registering event handlers on 
    standards and 
    write() method 
document object model  [See DOM]
document property
    Document object 
    HTMLElement object 
    Layer object  2nd 
    Window object  2nd  3rd  4th 
documentElement property  2nd 
DocumentFragment object  2nd 
    currently displayed, reloading 
    currently displayed, web address of 
    loading and displaying new 
DocumentType object 
DOM (Document Object Model)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    browsers, defining 
    conformance to standard 
        Internet Explorer 
        test suites for 
    CSS style sheets, APIs for 
        CSS2Properties object 
        CSSStyleDeclaration object 
        DOMImplementation object 
        override styles 
        traversing style sheets 
    DOMException object 
    event handling (Level 2) 
        dragging document elements (example) 
        event interfaces and event details 
        event modules and event types 
        event propagation 
        mixing with original event model 
        registering event handler functions 
        registering objects as event handlers 
        synthesizing events 
    EventException object 
    features testing for conformance to 
        adding content to documents 
        class hierarchy 
        DocumentFragment objects 
        dynamically created table of contents 
        finding specific document elements 
        modifying a document 
        naming conventions 
        traversing a document 
    interfaces, language-independent 
    Internet Explorer 4, compatibility with 
        modifying documents 
    levels and features 
    Netscape 4, compatibility with 
    original event model, not supported 
    Range API 
        manipulating ranges 
        start and end positions for ranges 
    Traversal API 
        NodeIterator and TreeWalker 
    tree structure 
        Node objects 
    W3C standard 
        browser support  2nd 
        color properties (Document), deprecation of 
        versions (levels) 
    XML documents, working with 
domain attribute (cookie)  2nd 
domain property  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
DOMException object 
DOMImplementation object  2nd  3rd 
dot  [See ., under Symbols]
double data type (C/C++) 
Double type (Java), in JavaScript 
doubleValue() method  2nd 
    DOM Level 2 event model (example) 
    IE event model (example) 
    Netscape 4 event model (example) 
dynamic bar charts (example) 
dynamic document generation  2nd 
Dynamic HTML  [See DHTML]2nd  [See DHTML]
dynamically modifying hypertext link destinations 

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