admiration ความหมายคือ ad·mi·ra·tion /ˌædməˈreɪʃən/ n. 1. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 I have a great admiration for the secrétaire. 我很欣赏这只带文件格的写字台。Baker was speechless with admiration for his clever brother. 贝克对他聪明的兄弟佩服得说不出话来。The tourists paused in admiration of the beautiful view. 游客驻足观赏这美丽的景色。arouse (或 excite, call forth) the admiration of the public 引起公众的倾慕 2. 引人赞美的东西;令人钦佩的人 Their new cottage was the admiration of the whole village. 他家新建的农舍是全村人羡慕的对象。Chekhov (Chekhov's Seagull) is one of my greatest admirations. 契诃夫(契诃夫的《海鸥》)是我最欣赏的作家(作品)之一。 3. 〈古〉惊奇 phr. to admiration 令人钦佩地,出色地 He moulded the heads in clay to admiration. 他用模子做泥塑头像,维妙维肖。