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admire ความหมายคือ ad·mire /ədˈmaɪə(r)/ ❶ vt. 1. 钦佩;赞赏,欣赏;羡慕 admire sb.'s capacity for work 钦佩某人的工作能力 He is admired for political savvy. 他由于政治上的精明干练而受到赞赏。He intended to drive his car and admire the view. 他想开车出去观赏风景。 2. 〈口〉称赞,夸奖 He forgot to admire her new hat. 他忘了称赞她的新帽子。 3. [常用作反语]对…感到惊奇 I admire your audacity. 对你的厚颜我不胜惊讶。 4. 〈美方〉[后接不定式]喜欢,想要 I would admire to go. 我真想去。 ❷ vi. 1. 赞赏;称赞 2. 惊奇 admire at a miracle 对奇迹感到惊异 [ < L admīrāri to wonder at < AD- + mīrāri to wonder < mīrus wonderful]

admirer | admiring | admiringly | admissibility, admissibleness | admissible | admissibly | admission | Admission Day | admissive | admit | admit defeat | admit sb. to bail | admittable | admittance | admitted | admittedly | admitter | admittible | admitting that ... | admix | admixture | Adml. | admonish | admonisher | admonishingly | admonishment | admonition | admonitor | admonitorial | admonitorily |

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