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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]

CarbonLib extension, MacOS X applets and 
caret sign (^)
    ^ operator 
case constant 
case sensitivity 
    in variable names 
    constants for  2nd 
    string values and 
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) 
        on web servers, saving in Script Editor 
channel class (Sherlock 2) 
channel elements 
    existence of, checking 
character class (TextEdit) 
    baseline of, lower than norm 
    outline constant 
Check Syntax button (Script Editor) 
choose application osax 
    OS 9.1 and 
choose file name osax 
    OS X 
choose file osax  2nd 
choose folder osax  2nd 
    TextEdit, opening files in 
choose from list osax 
choose URL osax 
class data type 
    Appearance control panel 
    Apple events 
    Apple Menu options 
    Application Switcher extension 
    ColorSync extension 
    elements of 
    File Exchange control panel 
    File Sharing control panel 
    Finder OS 9 
    FontSync control panel 
    FontSync extension 
    Help Viewer 
    Keychain Scripting 
    Location Manager control panel 
    Memory control panel 
    Mouse control panel 
    Sherlock 2 
    supported, retrieving list of 
classic applets 
    startup screen, preventing display of 
    Stay Open option (Script Editor) 
clean up command (Finder OS 9) 
CLI (command-line interface) 
client/server model, Apple events and 
        copying to 
        pasting to 
        retrieving list of 
    retrieving contents of 
clipboard (ASP) 
clipboard info osax 
clipping class (Finder OS 9) 
clipping window (Finder OS 9) 
close access osax 
close command
    Apple Guide 
    Finder OS 9 
    Memory control panel 
Close command (Help Viewer) 
close database command (Network Setup Scripting)  2nd 
close object reference command (AppleSync extension) 
close reference to object command
    File Sharing control panel 
closing folder window command (Folder Actions suite) 
closing folder window osax 
coach mark 
code reuse, libraries and 
color class (TextEdit) 
color images
    ICC profile
        embedding with 
        matching to 
color values, RGB 
ColorSync extension 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
ColorSync Profiles 
Command-. (Script Editor) 
Command-D (Script Editor) 
Command-E (Script Editor) 
Command-L (Script Editor) 
command-line interface (CLI) 
Command-M (OS) 
Command-R (Script Editor) 
Command-Tab (Mac OS) 
     zzz  [See also Apple events][See also Apple events]
    Appearance control panel 
    Apple Guide 
    Apple Menu options 
    Apple Verifier 
    Application Switcher extension 
    ColorSync extension 
    embedded speech 
    File Exchange control panel 
    File Sharing control panel 
    Finder OS 9 
    Folder Actions dictionary 
    Folder Actions suite 
    FontSync control panel 
    FontSync extension 
    Help Viewer 
    Keychain Scripting 
    Memory control panel 
    Network Setup Scripting 
    Script Editor 
    Sherlock 2 
    supported, retrieving list of 
    target of, identifying 
    URL Accessing Scripting 
Common Gateway Interface  [See CGI]
computer command (Finder OS 9) 
concatenating lists/strings  2nd 
condensed constant 
configuration class (Network Setup Scripting) 
configuration set class (Network Setup Scripting) 
    Remote Access 
connect command (Network Setup Scripting) 
connected user class (File Sharing control panel) 
considering case ... end considering statement 
considering statements 
constant class 
constant data type 
    for dates 
container class (Finder OS 9) 
container window class (Finder OS 9) 
    Finder windows and 
    inheritance and 
contains operator 
content space class (Finder OS 9) 
continue statement 
control panel volumes class (ASP) 
Control Panels folder  2nd 
control statement, adding functionality 
controls, Script Editor 
copy command (Finder OS 9) 
copy keyword 
Core Services folder 
count command
    Memory control panel 
    Network Setup Scripting 
Count command (Appearance control panel) 
count keychains or keys command (Keychain Scripting) 
count reference to object command
    Finder OS 9 
    Sherlock 2 
create font profile command (FontSync extension) 
    extension mappings 
    file specification object 
    files/folders (Finder OS X) 
    FontSync profiles 
    negative numbers 
        with Finder OS 9 
    profiles for fonts 
    router addresses 
    script objects, child 
    text files with TextEdit 
    web servers 
creator types 
    droplets and 
    mapping to applications 
curly braces ({}) 
    font characteristics and 
current application constant 
current date osax 
custom Printer address class (DPM) 

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