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web browser
    configurations, switching among 
web page class (Scripting Additions) 
web pages 
    downloading/uploading  2nd  3rd 
    saving to disk  2nd 
Web Pages folder 
web servers
    CGI scripts on, saving in Script Editor 
    directories on, downloading/uploading 
    using Mac as 
web sharing (ASP) 
Web Sharing control panel 
    permissions and 
    testing web sharing 
    using scripts with 
web sites
    about AppleScript 
    logging onto 
        lists, selecting 
weekday constant 
where reserved word 
white space constant 
window class
    ASP  2nd 
    Finder OS 9 
Window class (Help Viewer) 
    information about, retrieving 
    size, setting 
with timeout statement 
with transaction statement 
word class (TextEdit) 
word processing 
    referring to 
    spacing between, decreasing/increasing  2nd 
write osax 
    to files 

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