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object models  2nd 
    Finder OS 9 
object-oriented programming 
    alias data type 
    Apple events 
    contained, describing 
    containment hierarchy 
    creating  2nd 
        with Finder OS 9 
    deleting  2nd 
    display of, updating 
    duplicating  2nd 
    existence of, checking  2nd 
    Finder OS 9 
    ICC profile 
    inheritance and 
    locating  2nd 
    nested, counting 
    numerical position of, identifying 
    OS 8.6 
    random, retrieving 
    references to  2nd 
        adding in Script Editor 
        zzz  [See also reference forms][See also reference forms]
    script  [See script objects]
    selecting  2nd 
    subroutines of, calling 
    values of, retrieving 
offset osax  2nd 
on keyword
    in labeled parameters 
    in positional parameters 
on open ... end open handler, saving scripts as droplets 
oops topics  2nd 
Open command
    Apple Guide 
    Help Viewer 
open database command (Network Setup Scripting)  2nd 
open for access osax 
open handler 
    Apple Verifier 
    droplets and 
    Sherlock 2  2nd 
open location osax 
open object command (ASP) 
open object reference command
    AppleSync extension 
open reference to object command (Finder OS 9) 
Open Scripting Architecture  [See OSA]
Open Scripting Architecture Extensions  [See osaxen]
Open Transport
        adding to 
Open Transport info class (ASP) 
Open Transport installed class (ASP) 
    files/folders  2nd  3rd 
    web browser 
opening folder command (Folder Actions suite) 
opening folder osax 
OpenNamedSequence command (Apple Guide) 
OpenPanelOnly commands (Apple Guide) 
OpenPanelOnlyReplacement command (Apple Guide) 
OpenWithSequence commands (Apple Guide) 
OpenWithSequenceOops command (Apple Guide) 
OpenWithSequenceReplacement command (Apple Guide) 
operands, testing equality of 
operating system version, retrieving  2nd 
operators  2nd 
    dividing  2nd  3rd 
or operator 
OSA (Open Scripting Architecture) 
OSA Menu application 
OSA-compliant languages, retrieving list of 
osacompile command (Terminal) 
osalang command (Terminal) 
osas file type 
osascript command (Terminal) 
osaxen  2nd 
    aliases, creating 
    Apple Data Detectors Scripting 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
    display dialog  2nd 
        escape characters and 
    info for 
    OS 9 and 
    OS X and 
    URL Access Scripting 
outline constant 

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