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false constant 
Favorites option (Apple menu), adding to 
feet, converting meters to 
file class (Finder OS 9) 
File Exchange control panel 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
file extensions
    mapping  2nd 
    searching for 
    web sharing and 
file information class (Scripting Additions) 
File menu (Finder) 
file sharing  2nd 
    turning off/on 
file sharing (ASP)  2nd 
File Sharing control panel 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
file specification data type 
File Transfer Protocol  [See FTP]
File Translation panel 
file types  2nd 
    checking before opening ColorSync extension 
    droplets and 
    OS X 
    creating file specification object 
    on FTP server 
    bytes in
    closing access to 
    creating (Finder OS X) 
    device link profile, matching 
    digitally signed, verifying 
    downloading (URL Access Scripting) 
    executable, droplets and 
    executing with Terminal 
    existence of, checking 
        saving with ICC profile 
        updates to 
    information about, retrieving  2nd 
    information from, retrieving 
    length of, retrieving 
        AppleScript V1.5 
    moving  2nd 
    opening  2nd  3rd 
    paths to, aliases and 
    referring to 
        with aliases  2nd 
        attribute runs, retrieving 
        saving scripts as 
    uploading (URL Access Scripting) 
    writing to 
Filter reference form 
    scripts for 
    version of, retrieving 
Finder OS 9 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
    make command 
    new keyword and 
    object model 
    scripts, examples 
Finder OS X
    dictionary, accessing 
finder version class (ASP) 
Finder windows 
    containers and 
first, second, third, fourth, etc. reference forms 
flow-control statements  2nd 
    control functionality, adding 
folder actions  2nd  3rd 
    osax for  2nd 
Folder Actions extension 
    dictionary commands 
Folder Actions Scripts folder 
Folder Actions suite, dictionary commands 
folder class (Finder OS 9) 
    on FTP server 
    for temporary items 
    aliases to, retrieving 
    attaching to scripts 
    closing, triggering handlers and 
    contents of, displaying 
    creating (Finder OS X) 
    droplets and 
    elements in, accessing 
    existence of, checking 
    folder actions
        attaching to 
        updates to 
    information about, retrieving 
    items in
        retrieving list of 
    moving  2nd 
    opening  2nd 
    paths to, aliases and 
    referring to 
        list of references, retrieving 
    script execution and 
    Shutdown Items 
    Startup Items 
Font Extras folder 
font file class (Finder OS 9) 
font records 
font sizes/types 
    bold constant 
    determining in Script Editor 
    italic constant 
    outline constant 
    plain constant 
    shadow constant 
    small caps constant 
    strikethrough constant 
    Styled Text data type and 
    suitcase file 
    superscript constant 
    underline constant 
font suitcase class (Finder OS 9) 
    creating profiles for 
    matching  2nd 
    profiles of, creating 
    properties of, setting 
    reference matching options and 
fonts folder reference class (Finder OS 9) 
FontSync control panel 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
FontSync extension 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
FontSync Profile icon 
forward slash (/)
    in directory paths 
    / operator 
frontmost property (ASP) 
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
    configurations, switching among 
    URL Access Scripting and
        files, downloading/uploading  2nd 
FTP item class (Scripting Additions) 
FTP servers, files/folders on 
functions  [See subroutines]

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