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name reference form 
Name reference form 
navigating help windows 
network info class (ASP) 
Network Setup Scripting 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
    dictionary, accessing 
    access privileges, setting 
        AppleTalk configuration class 
        counting configurations 
        Network Setup Scripting classes 
        Network Setup Scripting commands 
        Remote Access configuration class (Network Setup Scripting) 
        Remote Access status class (Network Setup Scripting) 
        switching among configurations 
        transport option class, properties 
    information about, retrieving  2nd 
    keychains and 
    printing and 
    script objects and 
    scripts, running on remote machines 
Never Show Startup Screen (Script Editor)
new file osax 
    files, downloading from web sites 
new keyword, Finder OS 9 and 
newsgroups, detecting 
no constant 
not available (ASP) 
not operator 
number data type  2nd 
    with decimals 
    negative, creating 
    random, generating 
    real, rounding 
    stored as integers 
numerical values, boolean data types and 

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