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abstract base classes, implementing polymorphism with 
AccessException exception 
Acos method, Math class 
adapter design pattern  2nd  3rd 
Add method
    MultiMap class  2nd 
    Set class 
    SortedList class 
AddNode method
    BinaryTree class  2nd 
    BinaryTreeNode class  2nd 
    NTreeNode class  2nd 
AddProxyInfoToRequest method 
AddRoot method, NTree class  2nd 
AddUniqueNode method, BinaryTreeNode class  2nd 
AllFlags privilege 
AllocateDataSlot method, Thread class  2nd 
AllocateNamedDataSlot method, Thread class  2nd 
Allocation Profiler 
AmbiguousMatchException exception 
angle brackets (<>), balanced 
    calculating one angle of triangle 
    converting degrees to radians 
    converting radians to degrees 
AppDomainUnloadedException exception 
Append method, StringBuilder class 
AppendText method
    File class 
    FileInfo class 
AppendText method, FileInfo class 
AppEvents class 
    command-line parameters for 
    conditionally compiling blocks of 
    data for, storing securely 
    event logs for  [See event logs]
    performance counters for  2nd 
    persisting collections between sessions 
    processes not responding for, determining 
    production, trace output from 
    selective debugging and tracing for 
    versioning with multiple entry points 
    versions of modules, comparing 
application configuration file
    selecting components to trace in  2nd 
    selecting level of tracing in  2nd 
    turning on tracing with 
ApplicationException exception  2nd 
Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming (Richter) 
AppSpecificSwitch class 
AppSpecificSwitchLevel enumeration 
arccosine function 
arcsine function 
arctangent function 
ArgumentException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th 
ArgumentNullException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th 
ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
ArithmeticException exception 
Array class
    BinarySearch method 
    Copy method 
    Reverse method 
    Sort method 
ArrayList class  [See also collections]
    as values in Hashtable 
    BinarySearch method  2nd  3rd  4th 
    Contains method 
    controlling additions to, through attributes 
    counting occurrences of an object type in 
    Hashtable keys or values stored in 
    maintaining sort when adding or modifying elements 
    persisting between application sessions 
    retrieving all instances of an object type 
    snapshot of 
    Sort method 
ArrayListEx class  2nd  3rd 
    byte arrays, breaking large numbers into 
    displaying values as a delimited string 
    exceptions for  2nd 
    fixed-size  2nd 
    inserting elements into 
        navigating with pointer 
    multidimensional  2nd 
    navigating with pointers 
    of objects, nested 
    of pointers 
    of pointers to unknown types 
    pointers to, manipulating 
    removing elements from 
    returning pointers to an element in 
    reversing order of elements in 
    searching class or structure objects in 
    snapshots of 
    sorting class or structure objects in 
    StackTrace class acting as 
    swapping two elements in 
    two-dimensional, reversing 
    types of 
ArrayTypeMismatchException exception  2nd 
ArrayUtilities class 
as operator
    casting with 
    when to use 
ASCII values, byte array of, converting to a string 
ASCIIEncoding class
    GetBytes method 
    GetString method 
Asin method, Match class 
ASP.NET cache 
ASP.NET, Windows NT 4.0 not supporting 
ASPNET user account, performance counters prevented by  2nd 
    access to types in, controlling 
    assemblies imported by, listing 
    attack surface of, minimizing 
    CLSCompliantAttribute for 
    digital signature for 
    exported types of, listing 
    inheritance hierarchies of types in 
    loading, exceptions generated by 
    malicious modifications to, preventing 
    members in
        retrieving filtered list of 
    nested types in, finding 
    permissions for, verifying 
    reflection and 
    regular expressions compiled into 
    serializable types in, finding 
    strong name for 
    subclasses of types in 
Assembly class
    GetExportedTypes method 
    GetReferencedAssemblies method  2nd 
    LoadFrom method 
assembly registration tool 
Assert method
    CodeAccessSecurity class  2nd 
    Debug class 
assignment operators, overloading 
Associative Law 
asterisk (*) as wildcard character 
AsymmetricAlgorithm class, Clear method 
AsyncAction class  2nd  3rd  4th 
asynchronous delegates
    exceptions thrown by 
    notification of completion 
    synchronous delegates converted to 
    timing out 
Atan method, Math class 
    custom, exceptions for 
    of files  2nd  3rd 
Attributes property, DirectoryInfo class 
Attributes property, FileInfo class  2nd 
AverageCount64 counter 
AverageTimer32 counter 

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