[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

!= (inequality operator)
    comparing pointers with 
    overriding  2nd  3rd 
    Set class  2nd 
"" (double quotes), on command line 
"Safe Thread Synchronization" (Richter) 
# (comment character) 
#define preprocessor directive  2nd 
#elif preprocessor directive  2nd 
#if preprocessor directive  2nd 
#undef preprocessor directive  2nd 
& (bitwise AND operator)  2nd  3rd  4th 
> (greater than operator) 
>= (greater than or equal operator) 
< (less than operator) 
<!--...--> (omitted XML code in examples) 
<> (angle brackets), balanced 
<= (less than or equal operator) 
' (single quotes), on command line 
( ) (cast operator) 
( ) (parentheses)
    in equations 
* (wildcard character) 
*= (assignment operator) 
+= (assignment operator) 
- (hyphen)
    in regular expression patterns 
    on command line 
-= (assignment operator) 
.dmp file extension 
.NET web services, Windows NT 4.0 not supporting 
/ (slash), on command line 
// (comment characters) 
//... (omitted C# code in examples) 
/= (assignment operator) 
/checked compiler switch 
/main compiler switch 
; (semicolon), on command line 
== (equality operator)
    comparing pointers with 
    comparing strings with 
    overriding  2nd  3rd 
    Set class  2nd 
?: (conditional operator) 
?: (ternary operator) 
?? (logical AND operator) 
[] (square brackets), balanced 
\ (backslash)
    in regular expression patterns 
    on command line 
\n (linefeed character) 
\r (linefeed character, Macintosh) 
^ (bitwise XOR operator)  2nd  3rd 
^ (caret), on command line 
{} (braces), balanced 
| (bitwise OR operator)  2nd  3rd  4th 
|| (logical OR operator) 
~ (bitwise complement operator) 

[ Team LiB ]