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machine configuration file 
Magnetic class 
managed code  [See also unsafe code]
    accessing files created by unmanaged code 
    blittable and nonblittable types and 
    called by COM objects 
    dispose design pattern and 
    exceptions for, mapping to HRESULTs 
    P/Invoke and  2nd 
    releasing COM object through 
managed execution environment 
managed languages 
Marshal class, ReleaseComObject method 
MarshalDirectiveException exception 
Mastering Regular Expressions (O'Reilly) 
Mastering Visual Studio .NET (O'Reilly) 
Match method, Regex class 
    compiling regular expressions with  2nd 
    RightToLeft option for 
    verifying syntax of regular expression using 
Match object  2nd 
MatchCollection object  2nd 
Matches method, Regex class 
    compiling regular expressions with  2nd 
    subscripting array returned by 
MatchesCollection object 
MatchEvaluator delegate 
MatchHandler method 
Math class
    Acos method 
    Asin method 
    Atan method 
    converting degrees to radians for 
    converting radians to degrees for 
    Cos method 
    Floor method 
    Pow method 
    Round method 
    Sin method 
    Sqrt method 
    Tan method 
mathematical equations, ensuring correctness of 
MaxChildren property
    NTree class 
    NTreeNodeFactory class 
MaxMinSizeHashtable class 
MaxMinValueHashtable class 
Media class 
MediaCollection class 
MemberAccess privilege  2nd 
MemberAccessException exception 
MemberFilter delegate  2nd 
    dynamically invoking using reflection 
    searching, advanced mechanisms for 
    thread-safe access to 
MemberTypes enumeration 
Memento class 
memento design pattern 
MementoCareTaker class  2nd 
MemoryStream class 
MethodAccessException exception  2nd 
MethodInfo class, GetBaseDefinition method  2nd 
methods  [See also parameters]
    calling on multiple object types 
    dynamically invoking using reflection 
    exceptions for  2nd 
    format parameters, exceptions for 
    instance, when to use  2nd 
    invoked using reflection, exceptions generated by 
    overridden, listing for a derived class 
    parameters for, verifying correctness of 
    pointers passed to, controlling changes to 
    preventing compilation of 
    raising notifications from non-virtual methods 
    returning multiple items from 
    static, when to use  2nd 
    thread-safe access to 
MissingFieldException exception 
MissingManifestResourceException exception 
MissingMemberException exception 
MissingMethodException exception 
ModifyDirAttr method 
ModifyFile method 
ModifyFileAttr method 
ModifyNumericField method 
monetary values, regular expression patterns for 
Monitor class, TryEnter method 
MonitorMethodAccess class 
most-significant bits (MSB) of an integer, determining 
mouse events 
mouse, manipulating 
Move method
    Directory class  2nd 
    File class  2nd 
MoveInFile method 
MoveTo method
    DirectoryInfo class  2nd 
    FileInfo class  2nd 
MSB (most-significant bits) of an integer, determining 
MSDN Library 
MultiCallBackThroughIFace method  2nd 
multicast delegates
    controlling delegates executed in 
    handling exceptions for each delegate in 
    invocation list for 
    return values from each delegate in 
MulticastDelegate class, GetInvocationList method  2nd  3rd  4th 
MulticastNotSupportedException exception 
MultiClone class 
multidimensional arrays  2nd 
MultiMap class  2nd  3rd 
MultiMementoCareTaker class  2nd 
MultiTask class  2nd 
multithreading  [See threading]
MultiWriter class 
MyKeys.snk file 

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